Speeding and Traffic Tickets and DWI

Annoying and expensive, traffic tickets produce tremendous revenue for the North Carolina and for Lumberton and Robeson County. With Interstate 95 running through Lumberton and Robeson County, thousand of tickets are written for travelers on the interstate and for local and our of town citizens traveling our roads.

Most of the motorists who received citations from the Highway Patrol and local police are not criminals but you would almost think so if you look not only at the fines and costs for tickets but also the huge bump in insurance premiums assessed to those who have had tickets. In most cases this insurance increase lasts three years and pertains to all vehicles on the policy even though obviously only one vehicle was involved in the offense.

If you pay your ticket as charged, you are likely to pay much more in total court fines and fees plus insurance increases than you would if you hired a traffic court attorney who will work to get you lower court costs and fines, sometimes by substituting other charges. This in turn will lead to big savings on your insurance. Even if you are from out of state, these convictions catch up to the computer in the Division of Motor Vehicles in your state and you may pay the penalty with a license revocation or other penalty as well as shocking hikes in your insurance rates for three years.

I’m Woodberry (Woody) Bowen and I’ve been working with traffic tickets for over thirty five years, both as a North Carolina state court prosecutor for Lumberton and Robeson County and as a defense attorney.

We can most likely get your charges reduced and your courts costs and fines modified so you’ll not only save money at the courthouse but also with your insurance carrier. And you’ll avoid building a record in North Carolina or in your state, which could cause your driver’s license to be revoked or suspended.

We offer a free consultation. Attorney fees are modest compared to what you’ll save, in money, in time, and in peace of mind.

Contact Us

Fill out the contact form or call us at (910) 739-4357 or (910) 991-6582 to schedule your free consultation.

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